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Ministry of Energy sends warnings on the rise of Shabelle River water

The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Federal Government of Somalia is sending warnings on the water levels of the Shabelle River in Beledweyn town rising, saying that the water canals are opened but the risk remains with the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA) keeps on sending awareness on the issue of El Nino.

On the midnight of 21 Oct 2023, the water level of the Shebelle River at Beledwayne surpassed the low flood risk threshold and continued to rise. Initially, some areas in the town experienced flooding after the Dagahjabis canal was unable to drain water due to closed sluice gates.

This issue was later resolved and water flowed smoothly again through the canal. Though the water level remains above the high-risk threshold, the timely opening of the sluice gates prevented more severe flooding in Beledwayne.

Deputy Commissioner Dr. Ahmed A. Adan chaired a meeting with International agencies and NGOs operating in the country.

The meeting aims to cooperate in dealing with the El Nino situation, the fear of flooding, and how to deliver humanitarian aid to those affected by the floods.

Source: Somali National News Agency




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