Ministry of Planning inaugurates the Pillar Working Group for Aid Architecture meeting

The Ministry of Planning, Investment and Economic Development of the Federal Government of Somalia inaugurated the meeting of the Pillar Working Group (PWG) for the Aid Architecture in Mogadishu.

The Director General of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Mr. Mohamed Shire welcomed the participants at the Pillar Working Group Meeting (PWG) launch for the Aid Architecture which is taking place in Mogadishu now.

The meeting was opened by the Deputy Prime Minister, Salah Ahmed Jama, and other officials gave speeches at the meeting including the Minister of Planning, Mohamud Abdirahman Sheikh Farah (Beenebeene).

The Deputy Prime Minister highlighted the Importance of PWGs and Aid Coordination while emphasizing PWGs as essential platforms for effective cooperation and collaboration. Also recognized PWGs’ significance in fostering alignment among stakeholders and aiding coordination.

‘It is essential to utilize the aid Somalia is receiving to get to the next level of development, and that can only be achieved through the Somalia Renewed Partnership Framework (SRP) of Aid Architecture,’ DPM said.

‘FGS focuses on two key priorities – national stabilization and addressing global climate change challenges to demonstrate a commitment to both domestic stability and global responsibilities’ DPM Jama added.

Minister of Planning said, ‘PWG meetings play a dual role in preparing for the upcoming SPF. The SPF is a high-level platform to assess progress challenges and endorse the SRP as a foundation for Somalia’s global partnerships’.

He also stated that PWGs serve as vital platforms for dialogue and cooperation among stakeholders and encourage collaboration between government, development partners, and civil society in key sectors for Somalia’s development.

The Pillar Working Groups are tasked with proposing programs and projects in keeping with the NDP priorities and SRP principles. Each PWG has a core committee led by a lead ministry.

The expected outcomes of the Pillar Working Groups include streamlined aid coordination, establishing empowered sub-working groups, and preparing for the Somalia Partnership Forum.

Source: Somali National News Agency




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