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Odendaalsrus police station closed due to OHS non-compliance

The Department of Employment and Labour’s Inspection and Enforcement Services has prohibited the use of the South African Police Service station in Odendaalsrus, Free State, due to non-compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

“The closure of the facility emanates from a reactive inspection (complaint-triggered inspection) conducted by the Occupational Health and Safety inspectors following reports of occupational hazards in the building,” the Department of Employment and Labour said on Friday.

It was also discovered that the station was being utilised by officials while still under construction. This includes an incident of an employee sustaining an injury from a ceiling that fell.

The facility was prohibited on 28 June 2022, in terms of Section 30 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. This section of the legislation empowers the labour inspector to issue a Prohibition Notice, declaring the building unsafe for use and occupation.

“The department continues to have zero tolerance for non-compliance of occupational health and safety regulations by employers. The priority of the inspectorate is to safeguard the health and safety of employees and members of the community that visit the building,” Provincial Chief Inspector, Manelisi Luxande, said.

The facility will remain closed until all safety issues have been corrected to the satisfaction of the labour inspector.

Source: South African Government News Agency




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