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One year on, major strides have been made in the war against the Al Shabab

The election of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on 15th May 2022 ignited hope for a new Somalia for all citizens. It also injected fresh impetus into the war against Kharijite Al Shabab terror group. For years, the Al Shabab has wreaked social, political, economic and societal havoc on our country. The group had been enjoying unchallenged expansion and influencethat came at a great human cost, peace was non-existent and Somalia– apale shadow of its former self.

During the 2021/2022 political transition, repeated delays in the parliamentary elections almost plunged the country back into the old days of civil war. Taking advantage of this crisis,and long absence of any significant offensive against them, the terror groupsteadily extendedits influence, not only in the interior but even in territories nominally under some form of government control – including the capital, Mogadishu. The terror group also illegally taxed citizens, raised more money and meted out its own illicit, controversial form of justice and administration.

Prior to the commencement of the current offensive against Al Shabab, influential businesses in the capital and other regions were compelled to pay taxes to Al Shabab as previous administrations had failed to protect them from the consequences of non-compliance. Al Shabab, through unlawful financial extortion, specifically targeted telecommunications and financial institutions. However, the government took decisive action to protect these businesses from intimidation and enhanced the enforcement of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism measures, thereby diminishing the financial strength of the terrorist group.

Cognizant of the heavy burden on the people, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamudannounced an urgent, highly-coordinated, multi-faceted, all-out war against the Al Shabab. The massive operation has three main pillars: Military, finance and ideology. He believed then and still believes today that Somalia cannot move forward until this menace is eradicated.

It has been one year since His Excellency’s pronouncement and major strides have been made so far. Firstly, more than 90 towns have been recaptured from Al Shabab, with peace, law, order and government control re-established to the relief and joy of citizens.

Today, the movement of people and goods in many places is no longer restricted to short distances only. One can safely travel up to 800 kilometres without hindrance. Development and stabilization of most of the liberated areas is ongoing. A semblance of normalcy has returned with schools and businesses re-openingwhile medical centres are being rebuilt and new ones established.

Secondly, the capital Mogadishu is now a safe haven for residents. The Kharijite terrorists have totally been denied access to carry out their illicit acts. For the first time in a decade, residents were able to enjoy a peaceful holy month of Ramadhan this year. This was a departure from a past of bloodshed under the pretext of waging ‘’holy war’’ against innocent Muslims.

In a selfless show of servant leadership, the President himself has been on the frontlines of the anti-terror military operation for two months now. He has established an office in Dhusamareb town in Central Somalia, where he is commanding and witnessing the conclusion of the first phase of the operation. Preparations forthe launch of the second phase of the offensive are underway.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s unwavering presence amongst our forces has become a symbol of resilience and strength. His leadership has not only boosted morale but has also rallied communities, igniting a collective spirit to overcome challenges.He remains determined to eliminate the Al Shabab by the end of this year,end the military operation and lead a terror-free Somalia.

All leaders within the Federal Government of Somalia and the Federal Member States are working towards the common goalof preparing the country for a stable social, economic and political future led by educated, mature and responsible youth. We desire to make Somalia a country that is stable, peaceful, development-oriented and one that establishes favourable relations with its neighbours.

Government ministries and departments are on track to meet the 31st December 2023 deadline set by the president to implement key priorities. They include completing the process of seeking debt relief and ushering in a new era of economic recovery, completing the draft constitution, equipping and improving the standards of our national forces which are critical to stabilizing the country, expanding the education sector, ensuring political stability, completing the formation of the remaining crucial national institutions including independent commissions, upholding the rule of law and ensuring respect for human rights.

This administration remains committed to giving the people an opportunity to vote, saying goodbye toa culture of indirect elections thatsometimes produce ineffective leaders who endanger the future of the country and its people.

The majority of Somali people support the offensive against Al Shabaab and see the war against terror as their foremost patriotic duty. Unnecessary political rivalries only serve to take our eyes off the main goal. They are divisive and unnecessarily prolong the people’s suffering.

The goal to eliminate the Al Shabaab is a lofty one, but it is certainly achievable if we all play our part – no matter how small- in making it a success. A terror-free country benefits all Somalis and ensures their prosperity and the country’s development. The Somali National Army and community forces continue to carry out the militaryoperation in strict compliance with international humanitarian law, human rights laws, Islamic law and Somali customary rules of warfare.

Source: Somali National News Agency




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