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Tunisia takes part in 4th meeting of expert group concerned with following up on implementation of 2030 media map for sustainable development

Tunisia took part on May 29-30 in Cairo in the 4th meeting of expert group concerned with following up on the implementation of the 2030 media map for sustainable development. This agenda, which was adopted at the 47th session of the Council of Arab Ministers of Information, aims to strengthen the interest of the Arab media in sustainable development issues. Tunisia was represented at the meeting by Najeh Missaoui, CEO of Tunis Afrique Presse (TAP) news agency, who put forward a series of proposals on the subject. The main aims of these proposals are to integrate the issue of sustainable development into university curricula, to set up media training programmes within the framework of the Arab League, and to raise awareness of sustainable development issues among young people through education programmes. In the same context, TAP CEO proposed setting up an Arab media body under the aegis of the Arab League, which would be responsible for the role of the media in sustainable development issues. In his speech, Missaoui stressed the fundamental role played by the media in raising the profile of sustainable development issues. He gave an overview of Tunisia’s programme in this area and the actions undertaken by the national media to raise awareness of sustainable development issues. During this meeting, the members of the group of experts drew up a series of recommendations which will be on the agenda of the next session of the Council of Arab Ministers of Information. The 3rd meeting of the group of experts responsible for monitoring the implementation of the 2030 Agenda was held on June 21, 2022, at the headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo. It was attended by representatives of the Member States and media organisations belonging to the Arab League.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse




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