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”Leasing of aircraft by Syphax Airlines to Nigerian carrier is legal” (Transport Minister)

The leasing of an aircraft by Syphax Airlines to a Nigerian carrier is legal and had been carried out in compliance with the conditions for renewal of its authorisation, Transport Minister Rabi Majidi said.

These clarifications were presented by Majidi in his response to a question by MP Fatma Mseddi during a plenary session of the Assembly of People’s Representatives (ARP) on Tuesday.

Addressing the Minister of Transport, Mseddi said that the leasing operation does not comply with current legislation, calling on him to assume his responsibility in this matter, now under investigation.

Mseddi also raised a number of points, including the fact that the carrier is still operating despite its suspension six months ago, the fact that it obtained approval from the Transport Ministry to lease the aircraft illegally, that foreign skills are employed and the prerogatives of the head of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation.

Majidi pointed out that the operation in question, which had been carried out in compl
iance with national and international provisions, had been possible because the leased aircraft is listed in the Tunisian civil aircraft register and bears the company’s trademark.

Commenting on the suspension of Syphax’s operations for the past six months, Majidi said that the company had already operated two flights under the last two operating licences.

As for the employment of a Nigerian crew, Majidi indicated that this issue is in conformity with the law, notably the decree of the Minister of Transport and Logistics of November 5, 2020.




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