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MEC Madoda Sambatha on North West reaching one million mark of Coronavirus COVID-19 vaccination administered

The North West Health MEC, Madoda Sambatha is elated by the progress made by communities and healthcare workers to ensure that the province reaches this significant milestone of administering over one million vaccines. The province has finally reached the one million vaccinated people at the end of this week.

“Our efforts to persuade our communities to register to vaccinate has finally started to bear fruit as we see our daily numbers of vaccines administered tick up. We are further impressed by the support we receive from various stakeholders who are drumming support to ensure that access to vaccine is hugely improved” said Madoda Sambatha

The Department of Health in the province has kicked into gear various strategies to promote access to communities by introducing innovative ways like setting up stalls at malls, churches, shopping centers, car washes and other frequented places to ensure that access to registration and vaccination is highly enhanced.

“Bridging one million mark of administered jabs in the province is no small feat, it is a demonstration of concerted efforts and hard work to ensure that we convince our people to take this life saving vaccine. We supposed to celebrate this milestone and continue to use it to pursue more of people who seem hesitant to get vaccinated so that we can reach our provincial target of 2.7 million before the end of this year to secure community immunity” added Sambatha

The North West province has administered 1 023 456 vaccines to date. With the Vooma campaign in full swing the province hopes to net more people for vaccination.

“Our dedicated teams of healthcare workers has heed the call by President Cyril Ramaphosa to intensify the outreach efforts this weekend from 01 -03 October 2021 to embark on the national Vooma campaign to ensure that more people get access to vaccine especially in Bojanala and Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati districts. However these campaign will continue beyond this weekend in this province to ramp up vaccination efforts” concluded Madoda Sambatha

The Department of Health appreciates and salutes the efforts made by the private sector, NGOs, Churches, Traditional leadership and other stakeholders to promote registration to vaccinate communities.

Source: Government of South Africa




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