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Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi and Deputy Minister Pam Tshwete lead MECs to KwaZulu-Natal in efforts to conduct inspections on various sites being used to accommodate flood victims, 9 Mar

Minister Kubayi leads MECs to KZN in efforts to enhance sector emergency housing response during disasters

The Minister of Human Settlements Mmamoloko Kubayi, together with Deputy Minister Pam Tshwete and Members of the Executive from all provinces, will on Thursday (09 March 2023) conduct inspections on various sites being used to accommodate flood victims in KwaZulu- Natal in efforts to learn better ways to promptly respond to disasters.

The site visits to O’Flaherty Transitional Emergency Accommodation and Klaarwater Temporary Residential Units in eThekwini will happen ahead of the scheduled meeting of the Minister and Members of the Executive Committee (MINMEC), which rotates across provinces and will further provide a platform for observing best practice in the provision of emergency shelter.

The Ministerial delegation will also visit Kanku Road Housing Project, which is expected to yield 360 units. Already 147 units have been fully completed. This project will benefit households currently residing at a temporary residential area in Isipingo.

The project site visits will culminate in the MINMEC to deliberate progress on disaster management in various provinces, the performance of the sector in the delivery of housing units and the review of budget allocations for provinces in the current financial year.

Source: Government of South Africa